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The coconut

The coconut, often referred to as the "fruit of the coconut palm," is botanically classified as a drupe, a type of fruit with a hard,...

The brainstem

The brainstem is a crucial component of the central nervous system, serving as the connection between the brain and the spinal cord. It...

The eye

The eye is a complex sensory organ responsible for vision, allowing us to perceive and interpret the world around us. Here's a breakdown...

The cerebrum

The cerebrum is the largest and most prominent part of the brain, occupying the uppermost portion of the skull. It is responsible for...

The liver

The liver is a vital organ located in the upper right part of the abdomen, beneath the diaphragm. It is the largest internal organ in the...

The shoulder

The shoulder is composed of several bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons that work together to provide a wide range of motion and...

The ear

The ear is a complex organ responsible for hearing and balance. It's divided into three main parts: the outer ear, the middle ear, and...

The Ramayana

The Ramayana is one of the most revered and influential ancient Indian epics, composed by the sage Valmiki. It narrates the life and...

Hindu mythology

Hindu mythology is a vast and intricate collection of stories, legends, and beliefs that form the foundation of Hindu religion and...


Lakshmana, also spelled as Laxman, is a prominent figure in Hindu mythology, particularly in the epic Ramayana. Here's an overview of...

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